The Inspiration of Spring

Spring is finally upon us in Maine. The members at Citizens of Maine are ready for warmer weather and springtime activities! All the buzz right now is the upcoming Spring Fling Dance at COM on Friday, May 4th!
Not only will there be music, dancing, refreshments, snacks, and great friends to socialize with but the artists at COM have been working on something extra special for everyone to enjoy. That’s what is so great about art. It creates excitement and gives us something to enjoy visually, bringing everyone together.
The inspiration for this mural is springtime. Since the anticipation has come and gone so many times we decided to just make our own spring! While researching ideas and topics of spring, many ideas were created and suggested but it was the colorful picture of tulips that made everyone happy. Tulips and the happiness members felt when viewing them seemed like the perfect representation of spring and a great theme for the Spring Fling Dance.
Another important aspect that was considered was the dance itself, since it’s a group activity that wouldn’t really be as enjoyable if only one person showed up we decided that the mural should have more depth and layers by including all artists to contribute their artistic ability and inspiration. If many artists worked on it, like a group activity then it wouldn’t just be one person’s artwork, it became a group effort.
A voyage member worked alongside the art specialist to come up with how to create this project. By breaking the chosen picture of tulips up into 12 squares and having everyone work on all the sections it becomes a great group project that doesn’t have just one artist’s handiwork but the work of almost 20 artists! For the past 2 weeks, members have been busy bees layering fabric and paint to create something so special, you won’t be able to take your eyes off of it.
*four of the 12 paintings depicted above*
*6 of the 12 paintings depicted above, halfway there!*
The most admirable aspect of this project is the member’s ability to work as a team cohesively to create something that looks like it was created by one artist. The most interesting aspect of this mural is the materials. Instead of just a painting, the members have been piecing in the fabric that has different types of flower patterns on them.
When you step closer to the mural you can see the flowers. As you step away from the mural, you see the tulips as the main focus. It’s pretty amazing and so are the members for doing such beautifully rendered work.
The progress made so far really shows the potential of the artists and their skills in mixed materials. The use of fabric is simple yet adds such depth to the canvas overall. Congratulations to the artists for staying committed and creative in this long process.
The final mural will be revealed at the dance. If you can’t make it, stayed tuned to our blog. You can see the final masterpiece for yourself!