Lest We Forget Art Show: The Jury Is In

The Annual Lest We Forget Show is right around the corner. The dedicated Citizens of Maine artists have been working non-stop for the last month on artwork to submit! Don’t know what the Lest We Forget art show is?
The Lest We Forget art show is a wonderful exhibit where artists with developmental differences from all over the state have the chance to show their skills and passion for art. Citizens of Maine will be participating for the third year. We couldn’t be more excited!
The show takes place at the Capitol Building in Augusta, Maine. As a group, Citizens of Maine were allotted to pick three works of art to send to the show to be exhibited in the Hall of Flags. It’s a great honor to have artwork displayed there. This year, with so many artists, interested we had to call on the jury to make this tough decision!
The Citizens of Maine jury was made up of the Art Specialist, Teacher, Director of Community Support, and two dedicated artists members, one from the voyage group and one from the Encompass group. The jury met on March 6th. They deliberated for over an hour.
There were 18 works submitted. Only three could make their way to Augusta. Although every work of art showed true passion and love for art, there were some that stood out from the crowd.
The artwork was chosen not only showed artistic ability and knowledge but was presented professionally, contained a relatable aspect to their work. For the entry form portion of the submission, they showed the most effort and complete answers to the questions. Take a look at our top three picks and our artists proudly showing off their work!
Instrumental Circles by Renee Eddy
Tree Puzzle by Florian Carlow
Colorful Atmosphere by Dennis Jenkins
The show takes place on March 23, 2018, from 9 am-1 pm. All are welcome to come and support all artists of Maine! Citizens of Maine artists and jurors will be there for the exhibit. We hope to see you there!